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Cara Chellew

Defensive TO Jane's Walk

Photo of Jane's Walk, Defensive TO. Photo credit: Jessica Tsang.

What is defensive urban design? How does it restrict certain behaviours in public space? Jane's Walk: Defensive TO investigated these questions and more during the morning of Sunday May 7, 2017. Participants were guided through a walk route that began in the heart of Toronto's financial district, with a stop through Nathan Phillips Square before ending in Trinity Square Park, a hidden gem close to the Eaton Centre.

Organized by Toronto based public space researcher Cara Chellew, the walk featured guest speakers Ariel Stagni and Migs Bartula from the Toronto Skateboarding Committee and Thea Kurdi from DesignABLE Environments Inc.

Jane's Walk is a movement of free, citizen-led walking conversations inspired by Jane Jacobs. All the photos featured in this blog post were taken by Jessica Tsang.

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